General Windows Troubleshooting (for crashes, graphic and sound issues etc)

If experiencing issues with a game such as crash upon launch and/or lock-ups try the troubleshooting steps outlined below and after each step try the game again to check whether your issue has been resolved:



Verifying the cache files of the game can help to ensure that the installation of a game is up-to-date and if necessary repair any bad or corrupted game data.

To verify the cache files of your game please follow the steps below;

1. Load Steam

2. From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.

3. Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game files... button.

4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.

5. Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.


Step 1. Check that Windows is up to date.

Windows Update allows you to choose updates for your computer’s operating system, software, and hardware. As new content is added regularly, it is essential that you get the most recent updates and fixes to help protect your computer and to keep it running smoothly.

To perform a Windows Update please follow the steps as outlined below;

Windows Vista & Windows 7

- Click on Start button

- Click on Control Panel

- Change your view to Large Icons by clicking on the View By Category button near the top right hand side of the control panel

- Click on Windows Update

Windows 8

- Navigate to the Desktop part of Windows 8,

- Open the Charms bar by swiping in from the right hand edge of the screen (for touch) or moving your mouse to the right hand corners of the screen,

- Click on Settings,

- Click on Control Panel.

Windows 10

- Click on Start Button

- Click on Settings

- Click on Update & Security

- Click on Windows Update

- Click on Check for Updates


Step 2. Check that Microsoft DirectX is up to date.

Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms.

To download and install the latest version of DirectX please refer to the Microsoft DirectX Download Page.


Step 3. Check that all System Drivers are up to date.

Updates to system drivers may help with the compatibility, reliability, and performance of system components within your computer i.e. display and sound card devices.

If you have a branded PC such as Dell, Hewlett Packard, Packard Bell etc, it is recommended that you first check with manufacturer of your computer before directly seeking software updates from component vendors.

If you are unable to find any updates or you have a custom computer please refer to the instructions on how to update system drivers as listed here.


Step 4. Check that third-party programs aren't interfering with the game.

Third-party programs running in the background i.e. security software, can interfere (directly/indirectly) with the normal functioning of a game and may even prevent it from running at all.

To help rule out third-party programs as a possible cause please refer to the instructions as listed here.


Step 5. Check the Compatibility Mode and Administrator Privileges of the game.

Compatibility mode allows an older program written for an earlier versions of Windows to possibly run on a newer version of Windows i.e. Windows 10. You can also use Compatibility mode to always have a program to Run as an administrator.

To use Compatibility Mode or to check whether your game has Administrator Privileges please refer to the instructions as listed here.


If none of these steps above help to resolve the issues that you are experiencing, please a submit a request to us along with DXdiagnostic report so that we can assist you further.


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