





Why does my plant mod appear in the existing plant pot?

Some items such as plants have 2 sections for you to apply a mesh. In this instance it is because we have an animation on the plant itself because it can degrade as the need for maintenance increases. 

We also do this because you can choose between a square and circular plant pot when you place a plant in game. 

This leaves you with a choice. You can create plants and use our pots. You can create a whole model with your own plant in its own pot. Or you can do both! If you’re here, you have probably made the entire plant and pot as one so here’s how to make it appear in game (using the peaceful plant as an example):

  1. In the Plant_Lillies Mesh section tick the "Hide Mesh In Game" box.
  2. Scroll down and untick "Use Existing Customisation Variants"
  3. This will reveal Customisation Variant Meshes. Click the arrow to expand it.
  4. For each LOD here repeat the process to add your Mesh and Material. Now you can build the item and test it in game.


If you upload a mod, we strongly recommend that you then remove it from your local folder and subscribe to it in game (once it is approved), to test that it works for other users who may download it.




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