How to change the Football Manager’s Sports Interactive folder location in my computer?

Within Football Manager

  • Go to ‘Options’ ->‘Preferences’ -> ‘General’ -> ‘Location’
  • Click ‘Change Folder’ and choose your preferred location of choice.
  • Click ‘Confirm’

If you want to reset the Sports Interactive folder to the default location, you can click on the ‘Reset to Default’ (the arrow button) to reset.

To do this follow the instructions below:

- Go into Steam and right-click on the game.
- Select 'Properties'
- Click 'Set Launch Options...'
- Copy the following into the dialogue box: --user_data_location="path"
- In the <path> section, enter the exact path you wish the folder to be generated (ie D:\Users\ etc)

The next time you launch the game, your Sports Interactive folder will be created in this location.

- Go into Epic Launcher and click on the account icon in the top right corner.

- Click on ‘Settings’

- Scroll down to the ‘Manage Games’ section and find [Football Manager title]

- Click the arrow dropdown button

- Tick ‘Additional Command Line Arguments’

- Copy the following into the dialogue box: --user_data_location="path"

- In the <path> section, enter the exact path you wish the folder to be generated (ie D:\Users\ etc)

The next time you launch the game, your Sports Interactive folder will be created in this location.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the Sports Interactive folder’s location for the Microsoft Store or Xbox app’s Football Manager.

Within Football Manager

  • Go to ‘Options’ ->‘Preferences’ -> ‘General’ -> ‘Location’
  • Click ‘Change Folder’ and choose your preferred location of choice.
  • Click ‘Confirm’

If you want to reset the Sports Interactive folder to the default location, you can click on the ‘Reset to Default’ (the arrow button) to reset.

If you require more guidance about this issue, please submit a support ticket and our team will try and help you.



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