The 1.4.0 update is the next major update for A Total War Saga: TROY, arriving alongside the multiplayer beta. This patch fixes a number of issues raised by the community and introduces a multitude of balance changes.
Highlights of the 1.4.0 patch include:
- Multiple fixes and improvements to the way unit collision boxes interact with each other, resulting in units finding it much harder to move through a space occupied by an enemy unit, especially on Extreme unit size where the problem was observed the most before (please note that units might still be able to pass through enemy units depending on their weight class, but it will take them much more effort and they will take a lot more damage in the process)
- A number of changes to unit statistics, attributes, and abilities have been made to improve the feel and balance of multiplayer battles
- Changed horde armies’ and buildings’ behaviour so that when a horde army is wiped out the buildings it contained are saved to its commanding Hero in case they were immortal and were wounded instead of killed (the Hero will be available for recruitment again in a few turns)
- Fixed an issue where an AI-controlled main army did not attack when the reinforcing army was being attacked by the player
- Fixed an issue that resulted in mods failing to load or crashing the game
Multiplayer beta for A Total War Saga: TROY is here! It contains most of the features you’d expect to see in other Total War games, with two main elements: multiplayer campaign and multiplayer battle. More to come in the next few months!
Multiplayer campaign enables you and a friend to embark on a new campaign together… or against one another, if that’s how you want to roll! You could, for example, play as Paris and Hector, expanding your empires and marching shoulder to shoulder against the Greek factions. Or you could pit your economic and military might against each other as Achilles and Aeneas!
Multiplayer battles enable you to host matches which support up to eight players (any combination from 1v1 up to 4v4, human or AI) with a large variety of maps to suit different match sizes. You can play as any of the playable factions from the campaign game, along with their unique unit rosters and mythical creatures.
The multiplayer beta in update 1.4.0 includes:
- Allows any player to host a new multiplayer battle lobby or join an existing one and customize the experience
- Customization options include: battle type, battle map, battle difficulty, time limit, funds, time of day, weather, and unit size (new to Total War!)
- Extra toggleable features include unit caps, battle realism, large armies, and all mythical unit rosters
- Allows players of the same alliance to communicate via drawing on the in-game map using the Map Markers feature
- The use of community created maps via mods is also fully supported
- Allows any player to host a new multiplayer campaign lobby, join an existing one, or resume from a save game
- Customization options include: game mode selection between head-to-head and co-op, turn time, battle limit, default battle resolution (allowing players to choose what happens to a battle if players fail to agree in time – autoresolve by default, fight by default, etc.), unit sizes, and campaign difficulty
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player used Corybantes’ ability Shield Wall formation
- Fixed an issue that resulted in mods failing to load or crashing the game
- Updated the launcher app icon to ensure proper visibility on desktop, taskbar, and explorer
- Fixed an issue where the buttons at the top half of the launcher did not have a hover state
- Fixed an issue in the launcher where text in Italian, Russian and Spanish would overlap and bleed out
- Fixed an issue in the launcher where dropdown menus’ text would become too big and bleed out when Windows’ text size was set on more than 150%
- Fixed an issue in the launcher where text would be cut and obfuscated by other components when Windows’ text size was set on more than 150%
- Fixed an issue in the launcher where text on the Play button would become too big and bleed out when Windows’ text size was set on more than 150%
- Introduced various improvements to the launcher’s UI to ensure proper resizing and displaying on both 2K and 4K monitors and various other UI scales
- Added offline tooltips to online dependent functionality in-game
- Fixed an issue where the hostile agent activity events for Orion contained the rank element on his unit card
- The size of the filename input field when saving a game has been increased (player and faction names have been repositioned to avoid text bleed)
- Fixed an issue were both regions were showing up in Your Offers/Your Demands after deselecting player’s and selecting AI’s region in Trade window
- Fixed an issue where the resource filter was incorrectly appearing after declaring war
- Reliability warning now properly appears when player is proposing a counteroffer
- Fixed an issue where Quick Deal evaluations in the faction list were not matching the actual evaluations when starting a negotiation
- Fixed an issue where the horde building controls could be toggled in the building browser with their respective hotkeys
- Fixed issue where building tooltips from the building browser remained active in Campaign when exiting with the escape key
- Changed horde armies’ and buildings’ behaviour so that when a horde army is wiped out the buildings it contained are saved to its commanding Hero in case they were immortal and were wounded instead of killed (the Hero will be available for recruitment again in a few turns)
- If the player creates a new horde army with the Hero, their army will have the set of building in question
- In case said Hero replaces a Hero already on the field, the player will be warned that buildings will be replaced as well
- Fixed a bug preventing the triggering of the dilemma of Priam pleading to his sons to stop fighting with each other
- Heavy Weapon skill specialization changed to provide +30% armour penetration (the armour penetration bonus of the specialization stacks with the one provided by the base skill)
- Fixed a visual bug with post-battle animations where the left hand of an archer Hero remained unnaturally open at the end of multiple matched combat animations
- Multiple fixes and improvements to the way unit collision boxes interact with each other, resulting in units finding it much harder to move through a space occupied by an enemy unit, especially on Extreme unit size where the problem was observed the most before (please note that units might still be able to pass through enemy units depending on their weight class, but it will take them much more effort and they will take a lot more damage in the process)
- All ranged cavalry units are now able to hide in forests
- Removed Hide in Forest attribute from Amazon Champions (chariot units should not be able to hide in forests)
- Cavalry with spears cannot dismember anymore (Blood & Glory pack only)
- Fixed an issue where some of Amazon units would have their textures changed at a certain camera distance
- Fixed an issue where the model of the hero was invisible when on a melee chariot
- Fixed an issue in battle where a character’s rage bar would be visible through rocks, hills, buildings and various other objects
- Fixed an issue where an AI-controlled main army did not attack when the reinforcing army was being attacked by the player
- Hero Battle Abilities which cost no rage to use no longer provide any Aristeia points
- Dardanian Mob unit now has the Hide in Tall Grass attribute
- Dardanian Gang unit now has the Hide in Tall Grass attribute
- Cyclops Health has been decreased from 15k to 14k
- Cyclops Morale has been decreased from 90 to 65
- Cyclops Attack Interval has been increased from 4.8 to 5.5
- Cyclops Charge Bonus has been decreased from 50 to 40
- Cyclops’ Blind Rage ability will now also make the Cyclops go Berserk
- Cyclops’ Blind Rage ability will now reduce his Melee Defence by 25% instead of 10%
- Cyclops’ Boulder Toss ability has had its base damage increased from 550 to 650, but Armour Piercing Damage reduced from 400 to 200
- Cyclops’ Boulder Toss ability now has a minimum range of 15 metres
- Centaurs have had their base Movement Speed increased by 10%
- Centaurs have had their Mass increased
- Harpies cost in Custom Battles has been increased from 650 to 850
- Harpy Fiends cost in Custom Battles has been increased from 900 to 1180
- All Giant units have had their Health increased by roughly 20%
- Corybantes’ Health has been increased by 10%
- Corybantes’ Shield Wall Formation ability now also increases their Armour by 15
- Sirens’ Lure ability has had its range increased from 100 to 160 metres
- Sirens’ sling damage has been increased from 18 to 24 and sling armour piercing damage from 7 to 14
- All high Tier units have had their base Morale lowered by roughly 5% to 10%
- All Cavalry units have had their base Movement Speed increased by 8%
- All Cavalry units have had their Health increased by 15%
- All Chariots have had their base Movement Speed increased by 5%
- Renowned Khopesh Fighters have had their Health reduced by 10%
- Renowned Khopesh Fighters have had their Armour Piercing damage reduced from 22 to 20
- Khopesh Fighters have had their Armour Piercing damage reduced from 20 to 18
- High Tier slingers now have faster reload speed
- Increased Armour Piercing damage of all Slingers by roughly 5%
- Sirens’ Lure ability has had its cooldown reduced from 120 to 100
- Sirens’ Lure ability has had its duration increased from 45 to 60 seconds
- Sirens’ Lure ability now has only 3 charges per battle (cannot be used more than 3 times in a single battle)
- Harpies’ limit in custom battles has been increased from 2 to 3
- Harpy Fiends’ limit in custom battles has been reduced from 2 to 1
- Dardanian Chargers, Dardanian Defenders, and Fearless Swordsmen’s limit in custom battles has been increased from 2 to 3
- Increased Armor Piercing damage of Trojan Princes and Trojan Nobles by 5%
- Reduced Reload time for Trojan Princes and Trojan Nobles by 10%
- Increased Armor Piercing damage of Followers of Artemis by 5%
- Reduced Reload time for Followers of Artemis by 15%
- Increased Charge Bonus of Hippomachoi from 25 to 45
- Hippomachoi, Furies, Anairetes, Antianeirai and Horsewomen now have the Strider attribute
- War Riders have had their base Missile Damage increased from 10 to 15
- War Riders have had their ammo reduced from 38 to 24
- Toxoannasses have had their Armor Piercing Missile Damage doubled
- Toxoannasses have had their ammo halved
- Hector’s Chosen have had their Shield Black Chance reduced from 85% to 65%
- Hector’s Chosen have had their Attack reduced from 44 to 40
- Hector’s Chosen have had their Defence reduced from 60 to 55
- All Heavy Spear Infantry has had their Melee Attack reduced by 10%
- All Heavy non-Spear melee Infantry has had their Melee Attack reduced by 5%
- All Two-Handed Club units have had their base damage increased by 15%
- All Two-Handed Spear units have had their Armor Piercing damage increased by 5%
- All Two-Handed Axe units have had their base Damage and Armor Piercing Damage increased by 5%
- Phaloria has been removed as a playable map in custom battles as it is a duplicate of Argissa
- Added capacity restrictions to elite Amazon units in custom battles
- Slightly increased cost for generic heroes for Amazons in custom battles to be on par with other factions
- Fixed an issue where unit size settings were not being saved after exiting custom battle
- Added an option to enable unlimited unit caps in custom and multiplayer battles
- Enabling the Large Armies option now properly increases unit caps
- Added an option to enable all mythical units for all factions in custom and multiplayer battles
- Added an option to change the unit size in custom and multiplayer battles
- Fixed issue where heroes can have chevrons if they are selected together with other units and leveled up