If you’ve encountered a crash whilst starting the game or whilst the game is processing when attempting to play Two Point Hospital please try verifying your game files as detailed here.
Once you’ve done this, re-launch the game and try again.
If the game still crashes at exactly the same point, please Submit a Request with as much information regarding your issue, what Troubleshooting Steps you have undertaken, and where possible, include your Log, Game Save and Crash Dump as referenced below so that we can help you in the most efficient way.
Log Location
Users/Username/Library/Application Support/com.twopointstudios.twopointhospital/
Save File Location
Users/Username/Library/Application Support/com.twopointstudios.twopointhospital/
Crash Dump Location
Users/Username/Library/Application Support/com.twopointstudios.twopointhospital/Crash Reports
Note: The relevant folder will then contain the date upon when the crash occurred.