Product Activation

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So, you’ve got a boxed copy of Football Manager and want to get started. We’re now going to take you through the process of getting the game downloaded and installed so you can begin your managerial journey.

You can follow the steps below:

  1. Go to to enter the code printed in your box.

    Make sure to enter it Upper case exactly as displayed, then enter the email address you want your activation key to be sent to. Please also ensure that your email address is entered correctly so that your activation key it’s delivered to the right place.

    Once you’ve done so, click ‘Continue’.

  2. Following the capatcha/marketing opt-in prompt, you’ll now reach the ‘Choose Your Platform’ screen.
    Here you can choose between having an activation key for Steam or Epic Games.
    Highlight the platform you wish to play Football Manager on and click ‘Final Step’.

  3. Your activation key and instructions on how to activate via your chosen platform will be emailed out to your nominated address.
    If it doesn’t appear within a few minutes, please check your junk folder just in case it’s been diverted there.

    Once you have your full activation key, you can proceed to activate via your chosen platform by following the instructions included within the email or as instructed by each platform via the following links: 


Steam | Epic Games Store


If you find you have any issues with your redemption, please visit for support and further information.

If you have bought the game digitally not directly via Steam or Epic, you should receive an Activation Key directly from your retailer. If you have not received your Activation Key, you will need to contact your retailer directly.


 Internet connection required

If you don’t have access to an Internet connection, you will not be able to activate and play the game. Likewise, you can only update the game via Epic, Microsoft Store or Steam being connected to the Internet.


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