How to verify the integrity of Football Manager’s files? 


- Launch Steam

- From the 'Library' section, right-click on the game and select 'Properties' from the menu.

- Select the 'Local Files' tab and click the 'Verify Integrity of Game Files' button.

- Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes. This will always download a number of files even if you've just verified.

- Once the process is completed, close the windows then launch the game.



- Open the Epic Launcher

- Navigate to [Football Manager title] via your ‘Library’ and click on the three dots to bring up a drop-down menu

- Once open, click Verify

- Epic will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes. This will always download a number of files even if you've just verified.

- Once the process is completed, close the windows then launch the game.


Microsoft Store/Xbox app

  • Click on Windows ‘Start’ button
  • Click on ‘Settings’ -> ‘Apps’ -> ‘Apps & Features’
  • Find [Football Manager title]
  • Click on the three dots buttons next to the app
  • Click ‘Advanced options’
  • Click ‘Repair under the Reset section


If the above instructions couldn’t resolve your issue, please submit a support ticket and our team will try and help you.


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