How to update and/or reinstall my graphics card drivers for Football Manager?

PC only

When updating your graphics card drivers, we recommend uninstalling the old drivers first to make sure there are no issues.


Uninstalling your Graphics card drivers:

For AMD/ATI Drivers –

For Intel Drivers –

For Nvidia Drivers –

Bear in mind some laptops will have both Intel and an AMD or Nvidia driver, so remember to remove them both before reinstalling. If you’re having graphical issues we would recommend also removing any software associated with the drivers (Nvidia GeForce Experience or the AMD/ATI Catalyst Control Centre) during this process.


Reinstalling/Updating your Graphics card drivers:

Graphics card websites have 'auto-checkers' which can scan your system and find the correct card. They can be found here for the following versions:


Intel -

Nvidia -

If you have the knowledge, we'd suggest using the manual download and install over the auto-checker, so if you know your exact graphics card make and the OS you are running, please enter in your details and find the latest drivers.

Once you’ve updated to the latest drivers and restarted your system you should be running the latest drivers available.


For some laptops it may be worth checking on your manufacturer's website for exact drivers for your laptop, especially if you have dual graphics cards (Intel with AMD/Nvidia) or have problems updating from any of the sites listed above.


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